Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Creative Sprint Day 21

Ask a friend you haven't talked with in a while, for a suggestion of what to do today. Explaining what you are up to is part of the experience! Bonus: get them involved in the actual thing you create.

I was really optimistic starting out with this challenge, but as time ticked by and I didn't receive replies from the creative friends who I reached out to, I realized there was probably a reason why we haven't talked to each other in a long time!  They're all busy and obviously not on my schedule ;)!   ....thankfully as I was image searching "crickets", my friend Mara came through and we had a nice conversation and she was thrilled to be a part of the #CreativeSprint assignment for today!

Mara:  If it isn't already on your list, I'd say to illustrate a song lyric in some way. I remember us talking so much about music back in the day and your little Wilco drawing you had made.

Char:  OOOOH thats a great idea The first thing that comes to mind is Summerteeth. Do you want to pick a line for me to illustrate?

Mara:  Yesssss. You want from the album or the song summer teeth?

Char:  Something from the album.

Mara:  Ok, "She's a Jar" is still my very favorite.

Char: Lots of good imagery in that one, surreal imagery.

Mara:  "when I forget how to talk, I sing"

Char:  Do you have any artistic direction you want to give me?

Mara: Only to stay true to the ethereal surrealistic feel of the song, it definitely doesn't need to be literal

And an assignment is born.

At first I started a hand lettering project... but I wasn't concentrating and I forgot a word!
I may have said something other than "dick"
Here is the proof:
10:07 pm Gah!
It made me feel better to vandalize my own work, but OH, it was going to be glorious with "SING" all colorful and with floral embellishments.   So I took about a 20 minute breather, ate a pastry from the Korean bakery that I picked up today, and came up with this!  I'm so thrilled and I hope Mara is too, because she's the new owner of it, and on the other side of the new one is the old one so she gets the whole process!

Lessons learned: Accidents happen.  Keep cool, eat something yummy,  and keep on keepin' on.

Oh yeah, Week 2 Higlights!  My day 16 and 18 have made the post!


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