Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colorful Cars

My niece and nephew LOVE Cars. They line up all of their toy cars and hold "drafts" to see who gets to play with which one... by playing I mean horde and cart around in their back packs! It is pretty cute and funny to watch. These kids are tough negotiators in the making.

Today, I got to spend a bit of time with my niece while her brother was at swim lessons. She showed me all of her cars and started lining them up. I couldn't help but to guide her into sorting them by color. I was also curious to see if she'd go along with it. At first she corrected my method by telling me "good guys go with other good guys" and the "bad guys go with the other bad guys". Once she saw the rainbow she was on board and helped me find the "matching colors".

Car Rainbow!

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