Sunday, August 7, 2011

Daily Doodle 8/7/11 Seven

Seven is the number of times I was woken up by my niece and nephew as they had a slumber party at their grandma's house last night... which is also my explanation of my delayed Daily Doodle post.

Seven is the number of times I checked my e-mail to see if I had word from my Bunny in Thailand today.

Seven is the number of years my step-kid is, and the highest number of sneezes he had in a row today.

Seven is the number of times I listened to my current favorite song "how dare you" today.

Seven is the number of cookies I wanted to eat today, though I only had 2.

Seven is the number of dragonflies that landed on me as I sunned beside the pond this afternoon.

Happy 7 Kind of Day

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