Monday, November 2, 2009

A Trip Down Memory Lane via Old Sketches...

june 2001, charline packs up a suitcase and moves to nyc.
she misses her friends and spends a lot of time thinking about them.
she makes some new ones that she adores;
but she never forgets about all the fun times she had with her old friends
from snowboarding trips to masquerade balls.
I spent some time this afternoon looking through old sketchbooks and journals. There were a lot of illustrations that shocked me, made me laugh, and even made me tear up a little.

Above are some of the sketches from over the years and miles.


  1. Hey, I just watched "1000 journals" on netflix and thought of you. This artist released 1000 journals to travel all over the world. Lots of artists contributed and did some really neat things. Some got returned to him and others were lost. Anyway, check out If you want to start your own journal, there is a sister project,

  2. Thanks Charisse! I'm definitely going to check that out!!! xoxo

  3. i think i remember those blue sunglasses!
